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Picture: 123RF/dimijana
Picture: 123RF/dimijana

The once unshakeable bedrock of information sharing — media — is crumbling. As the PR and marketing industry steps in and lays new foundations for a reimagined landscape of communication, content creation and journalism, this is the perfect moment for industry players to step back and ask themselves: are we doing our best, ethically?

The writing appears to be on the wall for the media. Newsrooms are shrinking, advertising rates for page views are declining (and shifting to social media) and many journalists are pondering their next steps.

Media24 recently announced plans to close the print editions of Beeld, Rapport, City Press, Daily Sun and Soccer Laduma, along with the digital editions of Volksblad and Die Burger Oos-Kaap, and the digital hub SNL24. These closures will result in the loss of up to 400 jobs. These recent closures come on the back of Media24 closing five magazines and two newspapers, reducing the publication frequency of some magazines, transitioning two newspapers to digital-only formats and cutting staff in related support services since 2020.

Since 2020, the jobs bloodbath in the media sector has resulted in Associated Media Publishing ceasing trading after four decades and its once popular titles — Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, Goeie Huishouding, House and Leisure, Marie Claire, Women on Wheels and others — disappearing from the shelves.

While the pandemic exacerbated the sector’s pain, even before Covid the local media environment was suffering, resulting in the closure of HuffPost SA, Finweek and Afro WorldView/ANN7, as well as more than 375 community print newspapers. Media24, Independent Media, Tiso Blackstar/Arena Holdings, Primedia and all retrenched staff — some more than once — affecting hundreds of staff.

A month ago, when Daily Maverick controversially shut down for a day, the media house came under criticism for what some took as a PR stunt. Others saw it as a wake-up call to support journalism in the interest of democracy.

The reality is that the media space is shrinking, newsrooms are under threat and media business models are in a precarious position. In tough economic times and in an era of digital democratisation of information and news, paid-for content is a luxury.

Maintaining the status quo won’t deliver results for PR and marketing professionals. We need to rewrite the rules of engagement by:

1. Considering new communications channels across owned outlets: Earned media is not the only available channel in the PR mix. To leverage campaign messaging, explore other options to expand comms channels across owned outlets, with podcasts, blogs, e-books, white papers and webinars. While the media might be failing, consider the power of the podcast, which is expected to explode in coming years. PwC’s Media Outlook expects the number of South African podcast listeners to rise to 19-million this year, with the industry expected to generate more than R300m in revenue.

2. Quality, not quantity: Focused media strategies should target more priority journalists and titles. In a crowded media space, exposure in tier 1 media outlets offers more than just mass reach; it provides unparalleled credibility, influence and the ability to set industry benchmarks.

3. Be helpful: Marketing communications professionals can build strong, mutually beneficial relationships with freelancers and media contacts by offering exclusive stories, access and interviews. Collaborative opportunities, long-term relationships, training and financial support (in the form of hiring freelancers or paid coverage) enhance mutual benefits.

Maintaining the status quo won’t deliver results for PR and marketing professionals. We need to rewrite the rules of engagement

Our duty to do better

In a world where influence and influencing are paramount, the media landscape is profoundly altered. Social media platforms not only command most of the attention, they influence decisions and behaviours. This is also filtering through to journalism; spurred by the need for more audience engagement, some media outlets are turning to sensationalism, fake news and clickbait content — with a few even spreading downright disinformation — at the expense of quality journalism.

South Africa’s milestone elections have just taken place, the UK will vote in July and the US in November, and dozens of other countries are also set to go to the polls this year, which puts access to information at the heart of democracy.

The US has previously shown us how elections are vulnerable periods in history; it’s an ideal time for disinformation, propaganda, conspiracy theories and fake news.

As crews of journalists lose their jobs, what impact does such downsizing have on the flow of information, the industry’s capacity to produce quality reporting, the rise of misinformation and the erosion of public trust?

At the heart of the issue is communication, which leads us to the relationship between PR and journalism. As professionals entrusted with the reputations of companies, brands and people, PRs need to appreciate and stand proudly in their role of amplifying the truth.

The PR task is to get the story right, while working within the confines of client briefs. Doing so entails working with select journalists, rather than mass media distribution (#spray&pray), because now, more than ever, relationships are vital.

It is crucial, as the world adapts to consuming and trusting information differently, that the legitimacy and value we bring as PR and marketing specialists still hinge on the core qualities of integrity, trust, authenticity and credibility. While the industry landscape is constantly evolving, one thing that should never change is a relentless pursuit for best and ethical practice.

Adam Hunter is head honcho at integrated PR and Marketing agency Hook, Line & Sinker (HLS) and a council member of the Public Relations Consultants Association’s Ethics Board. For more information about the PRCA Ethics and Network Council, click here.

* This article is a South African take on an article that appeared in PR Daily.

The big take-out: As professionals entrusted with the reputations of companies, brands and people, PRs need to appreciate and stand proudly in their role of amplifying the truth.

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