Seoul — The woman at the centre of the snowballing political scandal engulfing President Park Geun-Hye has been put under emergency detention after prosecutors said she was unstable and a flight risk. Choi Soon-Sil, who faces allegations of fraud and meddling in state affairs over her decades-long friendship with Park, was grilled for hours on Monday after she returned to the country and handed herself in following mass street protests. "There is a possibility of Choi trying to destroy evidence as she is denying all the allegations," a prosecution official told the Yonhap news agency, explaining the decision to hold her for 48 hours. "She has fled overseas in the past, and she doesn’t have a permanent address in this country, making her a flight risk. "She is also in an extremely unstable psychological state," the official added. The media has portrayed the 60-year-old Choi as a Rasputin-like figure, who wielded an unhealthy influence over Park and interfered in government policy de...

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