Is the "new" SA Airways (SAA) board really a victory for finance minister Pravin Gordhan?This is one theory doing the rounds, which few are willing to entertain precisely because the airline’s board will still be chaired by the disastrous Dudu Myeni, the chair of the Jacob Zuma Foundation whose stewardship of SAA has brought it to the brink of collapse.It’s clear that cabinet was anything but unanimous about the list of new SAA board members. Discussions were, it is understood, long and fractious.Treasury initially proposed a new list of SAA board members as long ago as April. But, crucially, Myeni’s name wasn’t on the list — leading to a stalemate with Zuma, who insisted she remain.In the end, the final list of directors reflects a compromise deal, with Myeni remaining chair. The silver lining, at least, is that there are some nominees who may provide a check to Myeni’s paranoia, which has led many SAA executives to jump ship. For one, Tryphosa Ramano has been nominated as Myeni’s ...

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