I’m writing this in the village of Radlett, north of London. I don’t follow football, but many would be excited to know that the Arsenal training ground is in the same village. This means that a few of the players live around here, parking their luxury cars on the driveways in front of their homes. Yes, even Premiership footballers don’t get garages here.

Goodness knows I expected London to be a show of wealth in the developed world, especially in summer. Well, if you can call this summer — it was 13ºC the other day! But weather aside, this trip is giving me even more things to be worried about with South Africa’s trajectory. We have lost a tremendous amount of ground vs the developed world in the years since the global financial crisis. If we don’t address the slide in wealth, any travel to the developed world will be prohibitively expensive for us. As it is, the cost of a steak pie and mash in London, plus a beer, is what you’ll pay for an excellent fillet and a great glass...

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