Trainer Brett Crawford is already enjoying his best season and it will get even better if his Aussie import, Whisky Baron, can perform a giant-killing act in the R5m Sun Met.Crawford is currently in third place in the national trainers log — a huge improvement on the 2015-16 season when he finished in 12th place.Whisky Baron made it four wins on the bounce when capturing last Saturday’s Peninsula Handicap and his Met odds have been trimmed dramatically with the four-year-old now third favourite at 9-2.After the publication of the July weights, Legal Eagle is the third favourite at 15-10 with Marinaresco on offer at 3-1.Several pundits have pointed out that Whisky Baron’s time in the Peninsula was faster than that of both Bela-Bela (Maine Chance Paddock Stakes) and Horizon (Politician Stakes).The gelding’s rider, Greg Cheyne, is enjoying as successful a campaign as Crawford. After riding in only 427 races last term with 54 winners, it is a different story this season as he holds a le...

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