Former Cape Town mayor Patricia de Lille is set to take on the DA in the Western Cape as a premier candidate for her new political party, called "Good", in the 2019 elections. The new party has been viewed with scepticism by analysts, who compare it to failed attempts to found new political parties in recent years, including Mamphela Ramphele’s Agang and a new formation spearheaded by former ANC MP Makhosi Khoza, which barely got off the ground before it was hit by infighting. But De Lille, unlike Ramphele and Khoza, is a political animal who has proven to be a survivor who has traversed political homes that were poles apart ideologically with relative ease. She has moved from the Pan Africanist Congress to the Independent Democrats and then to the DA, where she served as the party’s longest-serving mayor of Cape Town. She is hoping to tap into a significant pool of undecided and disillusioned voters, with the ANC fighting hard to restore its credibility after a decade of misrule un...

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