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Picture: 123RF
Picture: 123RF

Leon Schreiber’s appointment as home affairs minister is a breath of fresh air (“Work visas high on new home affairs minister’s agenda”, July 2).

For the past 10 years sitting on parliament’s employment & labour portfolio committee I had regular engagements with hundreds of businesses that had been applying for work visas for foreigners who have skills that could have expanded and enhanced their businesses. Only one in 10 had any form of success.

Those that were successful often found the individual they were trying to engage had become so despondent that they had found work elsewhere. The lack of administrative action has been a major stumbling block in the advancement of our business communities and our capabilities. I could outline dozens of anecdotal stories including the necessity to import goods because of the lack of knowledge with regard to production.

It would be beneficial for Dr Schreiber to streamline the processes for work visas. It might also be useful and expedient to add conditions to these work visas when investigating each particular scenario. For instance, many businesses are saying they could use their foreign employee to train locals, who would then make the foreign worker obsolete. This could be investigated in each case and could be part of the conditions of service.

Furthermore, businesses could guarantee the employment of a certain number of locals to assist the foreigner. This would have an immediate effect of creating instant employment locally. In engaging with the small businesses I have had some very interesting and innovative ideas as to what they could do for the economy if they could bring in the right individuals.

The government of national unity could immediately indicate to the businesses of SA that changes could be made with no cost to government. These changes are already being debated and have resulted in a new and exciting positive outlook for the business community.

Michael Bagraim

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