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US President Joe Biden. Picture: Elizabeth Frantz
US President Joe Biden. Picture: Elizabeth Frantz

Biden versus Trump: Joe Biden stands for freedom, democracy, decency, tolerance, truth and order. He has built a strong, principled team around him. The democratic world trusts him.

Donald Trump stands for less freedom, less democracy, less decency, intolerance, no truth and chaos. He detests strong and principled people around him. The democratic world shudders at the possibility of him returning to the White House. Dictators rejoice at that possibility.

The choice would be obvious except for increasing doubts about Biden’s stamina, mentally and physically, to serve another term. I put my money on him in the previous election, but expressed doubts right at the start of this race about his ability to convince enough voters, especially younger voters, that he has another term in him. Biden’s handling of the Gaza conflict also does not instil confidence.

Voters have the final say and their perceptions are crucial. What Biden has on his side is Trump’ character, or rather the lack thereof, and the chaos that follows him like a shadow. I share the concerns of so many democrats in both the Democratic and Republican parties and in other parts of the world, as to why the Democrats are not fielding a younger candidate.

However, time may be running out for such a move. There is so much at stake, not only for the US but for the entire democratic world.

Dawie Jacobs

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