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Picture: REUTERS
Picture: REUTERS

Your editorial opinion refers (“To get jobs we need growth”, June 27). It is true that economic growth will lead to further jobs, but that is not the only factor. Even without growth it could be argued that the creation of jobs in itself will lead to growth.

As a labour lawyer over the past almost 40 years I’ve worked with many small businesses in the Western Cape, which have to a large degree been on an investment strike. Invariably, small business owners have felt that SA's labour laws and the onerous regulations attached to the various pieces of legislation have been extremely negative to their viability.

Small businesses have decried the enforcement of the bargaining council system and the extremely difficult task of dismissing employees who are not productive. After years of discussion with literally thousands of business owners, it is clear to me that the deregulation of the small business sector would immediately lead to job creation, which will lead to greater turnover and profit.

These businesses are waiting for such a chance. In other words, I would change the headline of your editorial to: “To get growth we need jobs”.

Michael Bagraim

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