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Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow, June 24 2024. Picture: SPUTNIK/VYACHESLAV PROKOFYEV/REUTERS
Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow, June 24 2024. Picture: SPUTNIK/VYACHESLAV PROKOFYEV/REUTERS

Nicole Fritz gives the ANC and SA government too much credit in her article (“SA’s foreign policy needs reboot after Ukraine misstep”, June 27).

SA did not decline to sign the communiqué due to the presence of Israel at the summit — even if that may be a contributing factor. The ANC and SA are simply allies of Vladimir Putin’s Russia, and have repeatedly shown support for Russia’s war effort.

This was seen in the war games between Russia and SA in early 2023, a corrupt nuclear deal, SA’s refusal to truly condemn the unjust invasion of Ukraine, and perhaps even in SA and Russia’s membership in the Brics bloc.

The Lady R saga was also a red flag. The ship, reported by the US ambassador to be carrying arms to Russia, was “cleared” after an internal investigation, which is the same as a criminal investigating themselves and finding themselves not guilty.

SA under the ANC is firmly a Russian ally and will not act in any way to jeopardise the relationship with Putin. No wonder some US policymakers want to reduce ties with SA.

I also take exception to Fritz’s condemnation of Israel. Israel is fighting a justified war against a state that actively engaged in mass violence and kidnapping of its civilian population. Any nation with the capacity to act would be acting the same as Israel today. Gazan civilian deaths are on Hamas’ head, as it caused the war and continues to use civilians as human shields.

Fritz has good points when it comes to SA changing its foreign policy, but I urge against simplistic thinking and knee-jerk condemnation of Israel, and to recognise that a truly moral SA foreign policy would see us supporting Ukraine and Israel against their aggressors.

Nicholas Woode-Smith
Cape Town

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