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Naledi Pandor. Picture: GCIS
Naledi Pandor. Picture: GCIS

Contrary to Nicholas Woode-Smith’s perspective, SA’s prestige and esteem have soared internationally thanks to Naledi Pandor and the department of international relations & co-operative governance’s genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (“Pandor pushed down ideas”, June 20).

Judge Navi Pillay of the UN Human Rights Council has further added to SA’s stature with her report on Israeli war crimes in Gaza.

It is time for Woode-Smith to realise that the 500-year era of European colonialism is fast collapsing, and that the US and UK are now the only Western governments still complicit in Israel’s barbaric genocide. Just as both the US and UK dumped apartheid SA when “apartheid became too much hassle”, so the same fate beckons for Israel.

The benefits of SA’s membership of Brics and the “global South” far exceed the benefits of the US’s African Growth & Opportunity Act, not to mention the economic plundering of Africa for which both the US and UK are notorious.

Israel has lost its war against Palestine, yet is threatening a second front of war against Lebanon. The Israeli economy is already in severe decline, and may shortly face collapse. 

The Israeli Defence Forces may excel in bombing houses, hospitals and schools, starving or murdering civilians, but have proved pretty useless in battle. Thousands of Israelis with dual citizenships are emigrating.

Thank you Dr Pandor for your brilliant service to our country.

Terry Crawford-Browne
Via email

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