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FW de Klerk, left, and Nelson Mandela. Picture: SUNDAY TIMES
FW de Klerk, left, and Nelson Mandela. Picture: SUNDAY TIMES

A government of national unity (GNU) was successfully formed in 1994 because the country had wise, humble and patient leaders in Nelson Mandela and FW de Klerk.

Both men rose above party politics by persuading diverse factions in their parties to put the national interest before the party’s interest.

The vaunted ANC-DA-IFP GNU on the right — like an ANC-EFF-PA GNU on the left, will collapse in the medium term. A stable GNU must not rely on one particular party to remain in government.

Preconditions for participating in the GNU by both the EFF and the DA are unfortunate, misplaced and unpatriotic. Both John Steenhuisen and Julius Malema have huge egos, are arrogant and lack humility. Each of them does not understand the basic economic principles that will lead to a stable GNU that can deliver economic growth for all South Africans.

SA will only experience economic growth if all the population groups work in tandem and use their diversity as a strength and not as a divisive factor. The EFF’s misguided policy of nationalising key industries is what has reduced the one thriving Zimbabwean economy to a basket case.

It is mind-boggling why the EFF is turning a blind eye to the successful collaboration between private capital and the government of Botswana, as illustrated by the joint venture Debswsna. Botswana is a prosperous, democratic and peaceful country, as opposed to the undemocratic, violent Zimbabwe, with the majority of its citizens having sought economic refuge in neighbouring countries.

The DA is fighting for the white folks to keep their apartheid gains. This manifests itself in our economy not being inclusive because blacks are still on the margins. This explains why both the EFF and the left-wing of the ANC are against the inclusion of the DA in the GNU.

The DA must persuade its supporters to trust the black community and respect the skills blacks will bring to advance economic growth. 

Jeffrey Mothuloe
Via email

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