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President Cyril Ramaphosa attends the ANC NEC meeting in Johannesburg on January 26 2024. Picture: REUTERS/Alet Pretorius
President Cyril Ramaphosa attends the ANC NEC meeting in Johannesburg on January 26 2024. Picture: REUTERS/Alet Pretorius

One does not have to point out ANC failures when we are confronted with the governing party’s incompetence daily. Rolling blackouts, high levels of crime, little economic growth and the absence of law and order is our reality, while ANC elites continue to loot our country.

While ordinary South Africans are struggling to make ends meet, the government has found a new obsession in the Middle East to distract us from what is arguably the most critical juncture in our country’s history.

While I sympathise with the many innocent civilians who have been affected by this inhumane war, it is hypocritical for our own government to position itself as a paragon of virtue within the international community. Here at home we know exactly who and what it really is.

Not only has it opportunistically capitalised on the public’s strong emotions, it has added to the unnecessary hatred and hysteria by creating problems that never existed before. This strategy is taken straight out of the Soviet disinformation playbook and is ultimately a threat to our democratic foundation.

To add further insult to injury, the ANC has mobilised pro-Palestine organisations and religious leaders to instruct devout followers that voting for a chronically corrupt organisation is synonymous with the Palestinian cause, essentially playing on emotion and reinventing itself as the Middle East saviour.

One need not look further than the upcoming ANC manifesto launches, which are bound to function as Palestine rallies. All of these theatrics while South Africans are at war among themselves and with their own government. 

The polls show us that the ANC is sitting well below 50% at present, and the party knows its political relevance ahead of the 2024 election will only come from the war being kept alive as much as possible, both in reality and in the public psych.

Given that 2024 will be our last opportunity to turn a new page for SA, I hope the people will differentiate the axe from the trees. An outright electoral victory for the ANC in 2024 will be the final nail in SA’s coffin. 

Tami Jackson
Via email

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