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Israeli tanks near the Israel-Gaza border in southern Israel, January 14 2024. Picture: TYRONE SIU/REUTERS
Israeli tanks near the Israel-Gaza border in southern Israel, January 14 2024. Picture: TYRONE SIU/REUTERS

Given Rowan Polovin’s position as chair of the SA Zionist Federation his opinion on the Gaza conflict is hardly surprising (“SA’s charges against Israel misrepresent the meaning of genocide”, January 10). However, all such comments defending Israel miss the rather obvious point of proportionality.

Israel regards itself as a modern democratic state and identifies with the norms of West European countries, many of which have endured terrorist attacks from Islamic fundamentalists. Though not on the scale of the terrible attacks of October 7, no European power has decided to go on a killing spree in Islamic countries, with perhaps the exception of the US coalition invasion of Iraq, now widely regarded as a colossal mistake.

Given Israel’s overwhelming firepower, the dropping of tonnes of high explosives on defenceless civilians, resulting in the deaths of thousands of women and children, cannot be supported. The rationale that Hamas hides among the general population is the case in all insurgencies. Does that mean an apartment block of 100 people has to be destroyed to kill a few terrorists in the basement? I think not.

Three hostages waving white flags were shot dead by the Israeli Defence Force, and about 20 Israeli soldiers are reported to have died by “friendly” fire. Does this suggest a trigger-happy army? I think so.

Whichever way you cut it, the right-wing Netanyahu government is driven by revenge and mindful of its own interests over everything else. Sadly, many more will die before this disaster is over, but Israel and Palestine will suffer the consequences for generations.

Bernard Benson

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