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Russia's President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Russia, January 7 2024. Picture: SPUTNIK/GAVRIL GRIGOROV/REUTERS
Russia's President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Russia, January 7 2024. Picture: SPUTNIK/GAVRIL GRIGOROV/REUTERS

“All commanders, no matter how stupid they might seem to be, strive for a quick victory. No-one has ever seen a commander who wishes to wage a protracted battle to display his military skill and technique. There has never been a single case in history [where] protracted fighting benefited any country.”

These are the wise words of Sun Tzu, a war strategist who lived in ancient China. It raises the question of why Russian President Vladimir Putin would opt for a protracted battle since it is clearly not helping Russia. Is this merely his ego talking?

The same question must be posed regarding long-serving Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The destruction of Gaza cannot be the answer to the October 7 tragedy. Who benefits from this? Not Israel as a country, only Netanyahu will win since as long as the war continues his position as prime minister is safe.

Dr Lucas Ntyintyane
Via email

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