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A Jewish man waves an Israeli flag in Jerusalem's Old City. Picture: REUTERS/AMIR COHEN
A Jewish man waves an Israeli flag in Jerusalem's Old City. Picture: REUTERS/AMIR COHEN

It is past time for Rowan Polovin, as chair of the SA Zionist Federation, to decide whether he is South African or an apartheid-supporting Israeli. (“Ramaphosa is fixated on Israel”, September 27).

The UN Security Council determined unanimously in November 1977 that SA apartheid threatened international peace and security, and rightly imposed an arms embargo on our country. That decision was hailed as the most significant development in 20th century diplomacy, and international law in the 21st century now ranks apartheid as a “crime against humanity”.

That Zionist Israel is an apartheid state is glaringly evident, and is confirmed both by Israel’s nation state law and human rights organisation B’Tselem, plus numerous international organisations such as Amnesty International. Within “Israel proper” more than 50 laws discriminate against Palestinian Israeli citizens in terms of citizenship, land and language.

Comparable to the notorious Group Areas Act, 93% of Israel is reserved for Jewish occupation. Such humiliations in apartheid SA were described as “petty apartheid”. Beyond the “green line”, the West Bank and Gaza are “grand apartheid” bantustans, but with even less autonomy than the notorious puppet regimes in apartheid SA.

In his recent speech at the UN General Assembly President Cyril Ramaphosa correctly noted the barbarity of the Israeli government’s conduct towards Palestinians. It is past time for Palovin and his fellow Zionists to open their eyes.

The reality is that the Israeli government’s treatment of Palestinians meets the legal definitions of genocide and war crimes, as well as apartheid as a crime against humanity.

Terry Crawford-Browne
Via email

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