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Spain's opposition People's Party leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo gestures during a campaign closing rally, ahead of the general election, in A Coruna, Spain, July 21 2023. Picture: MIGUEL VIDAL/ REUTERS
Spain's opposition People's Party leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo gestures during a campaign closing rally, ahead of the general election, in A Coruna, Spain, July 21 2023. Picture: MIGUEL VIDAL/ REUTERS

First there was Trump in America, then Bolsonaro in Brazil and Meloni in Italy, Now it seems Alberto Núñez Feijóo is set to serve as the next rightwing prime minister of Spain.

The controversial leader of the conservative People’s Party led his political party to attain the largest share of the vote in the recent election, though without a majority. This result in Spain points to a noticeable shift in global politics, to the right and far right.

Many political parties that are regarded as right or far right differ from country to country and region to region, but a few similarities, especially among European right and far-right parties, can be deduced — common values such as Christian nationalism, anti-immigration and Euroscepticism to name a few.

Where these political parties and aligned organisations are present, inherently racist, sexist and islamophobic rhetoric is not far behind. In the case of Spain, the growth of the far-right movement is especially worrying since certain elements within it blatantly express nostalgia for a Spain under the rule of the notorious Francisco Franco.

I believe I speak for the vast majority when I say fascism has no place in the 21st century. The forces that seek to resurrect such an antidemocratic, expansionist and downright evil system are a threat to the survival of freedom, democracy, human rights and all other values we hold dear.

Neo Ndlalane
Via email

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