As I type this, I have both Checkers Sixty60 and Woolies Dash baskets on the go, and every few days I peek at my Takealot basket to see if I am ready to hit “buy” on the long list of stuff I need for a DIY project I’ve been contemplating. A few weeks of searching online for just the right slip-on low-heel black pumps (that’s a type of shoe for the sartorially challenged) has turned up nothing of note, leaving me facing the dismal prospect of having to head to a mall in real life. Quelle horreur!

Of course, not everyone is a superuser who orders everything from food to furniture online. A new report from research firm Forrester has e-commerce forecast to grow from 2023’s $4.4-trillion to $6.8-trillion in 2028, accounting for 24% of the global retail market. E-commerce, or online retail, now accounts for 20% of the market...

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