WHAT do Amy Winehouse and Bob Skinstad have in common? Not much, you’d think. Skinstad is alive and thriving, a successful athlete-turned-entrepreneur, his rugby career a pleasant memory and the foundation for days filled with outdoor leisure pursuits; Winehouse’s death by alcohol poisoning in 2011 hardly came as a surprise after years of substance abuse and mental illness that overshadowed her musical talents.They do, however, share at least one thing: both are represented in the art collection of Christoff van Staden and Peter Aucamp, the owners of Ten Bompas in Johannesburg. In the foyer of this boutique hotel hangs a triptych in which portraits of a young Skinstad are given the Andy Warhol treatment — green hair and pink lips playfully emphasising the poster-boy good looks that seemed to contribute to his popularity as much as his skill, speed, and strength on the field.Marilyn-Bobby is looking away into the middle distance, but if he could just turn his head slightly to the lef...

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