HIGH unemployment in South Africa is so often described as a "ticking time bomb" that the warning is no longer taken seriously. Certainly if the African National Congress (ANC) believed it, its representatives in Parliament would not be legislating to reduce the opportunities available to jobless youth via labour brokers.However, the chapter of the National Development Plan (NDP) dealing with "social protection" has a different take on youth unemployment — it may destabilise the fiscus.This is because unless unemployed youngsters are absorbed into jobs soon, they will eventually become an older population reliant on the state for a "minimum" standard of living the NDP desires for them in addition to what the constitution guarantees.By the time today’s youthful unemployed are older, what the NDP describes as a "sweet spot" might have turned into a "perfect storm". What will bring this about is a reversal of population ratios.The "sweet spot" arises from the "democratic dividend" Sout...

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