PROTESTS at SA’s universities are well into their second week and showing no sign of abating, with The cost of destruction to property as a result of student unrest has reached R600m‚ says Higher Education and Training Minister Blade Nzimande. Here is a roundup of the day’s developments: • Durban University of Technology: students hurl rocks and bricks at police • Unisa: court order bars protesting students from disrupting academic activities • University of Limpopo: classes unlikely to resume on Wednesday as expected • Rhodes: financial state is fragile, says management • Wits: university management draws minister’s ire over its handling of the death of a worker, and a poll will be held to determine whether classes resume Durban University of Technology In groups of a dozen at a time‚ protesting Durban University of Technology students barrelled out of the security gate at the ML Sultan Campus to hurl rocks‚ stones and pieces of bricks at police on Tuesday morning. For about 10 min...

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