The Jewish community has taken a tougher stance on members suspected of participating in state capture than SA’s law enforcement agencies, according to a new report by investigative journalism team amaBhungane. "We went after a trail left by Gupta lieutenant Salim Essa. What we found was a group of Jewish businessmen who complain of being shunned by their community because of their association with the Guptas," amaBhungane wrote. The list includes former Transnet director Stanley Shane, but not former Eskom director Mark Pamensky whose name has often cropped up in reports of corruption involving the Guptas. Following the trail of "a strange little company called Business Expansion Structured Products — Bex for short — and its role in yet another Transnet rip-off" led amaBhungane to investment manager Integrated Capital Management (ICM) and corporate services firm Legal Frontiers. ICM was formerly chaired by Selwyn Nathan and at the time controlled by its three directors: Shane, Cliv...

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