Veteran African National Congress (ANC) politician Max Sisulu has resigned from Parliament after failing to get reappointed to the prestigious speaker of the National Assembly post or secure a place as a government minister.ANC national executive member Baleka Mbete replaced Mr Sisulu, a scion of the politically important Sisulu family, as National Assembly speaker last week.Today (Friday) was the deadline for MPs who have not been reappointed to a senior public office to decide whether or not they would continue to serve as ordinary members.The issue of remuneration and benefits is often a deciding factor for former public office bearers to decide whether or not to stay on as ordinary MPs. The rules state that a person accrues the benefits such as pension and gratuity based on their last office or position.An MP earns R933,0842 a year while the speaker of the National Assembly earns a salary of R2,478,378.ANC chief whip Stone Sizani’s spokesman Moloto Motapo confirmed Mr Sisulu’s r...

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