BMW has drawn visual inspiration from the i8 eco sportscar to create a four-door sports sedan concept for its 100th birthday.The sleek, stunning, monocoloured coupe combines a body the size of a 5-Series sedan with the interior space of a four-seat 7-Series limousine. It’s 4,900mm long and 1,370mm high, making it 10mm shorter and 100mm lower than the outgoing sixth-generation 5-Series.While BMW has been vague on the details surrounding the Vision Next 100, the concept car does away with many of the brand’s design hallmarks and tries to adopt new ones.The concept combines whisper-slick aerodynamics, a combination of autonomous and manually controlled driving and the brand’s future connectivity and digital ideas in what it calls a roadmap to the future.While the car itself is not set for production — at least not for the next 30 years or so — the ideas from it will find their way into production from the next generation of BMW models.BMW Group CEO Harald Krüger insists the car is a st...

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