BMW SA is looking for corporate partners for a pilot scheme to use solar-powered parking bays to recharge electric cars, MD Tim Abbott said Monday. The motor company, one of only two, with Nissan, to sell electric cars in South Africa, intends the project to be running by the end of this year.Mr Abbott said the motor industry and government had to take bold steps to encourage South African consumers to buy electric cars.Global BMW chairman Harald Kruger said this week that, in the long term, "there is no alternative to e-mobility" because of the need for clean, sustainable transport. All the world’s major motor companies are pursuing various versions of electric power.Mr Abbott, however, said that governments had to play their part. In countries where sales of electric vehicles were thriving, they were supported by tax incentives, the widespread availability of car-recharging stations, and practical benefits like access to city bus lanes during rush-hour.In South Africa, by contrast...

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