With the death this week of screenwriter Robert Towne and the recent celebration of the 50th anniversary of Chinatown, now seems an apt time to revisit the film for which Towne wrote what many consider the greatest screenplay in movie history. Towne’s neo-noir was made at the height of New Hollywood in the wake of the Watergate scandal and the retreat from Saigon. It was directed by Roman Polanski and starred Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway and legendary golden-era Hollywood director John Huston. The film takes a true story about the corrupt web of double-dealing and palm-greasing that enabled the barren city of Los Angeles to get the water it needed for survival. Evocatively shot by John Alonzo, moodily scored by Jerry Goldsmith and featuring some of the finest dialogue in the movies, it remains not only the apex of neo-noirs but also one of the most quietly sophisticated films ever made about power, corruption and lies...

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