A FEW days before he testified in a sex discrimination suit that has captivated Silicon Valley, John Doerr, arguably the most famous venture capitalist in the world, was sitting at a conference room table laying out his ideas on good management.The subject was not the trial, in which a former junior partner of Doerr’s firm, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, has claimed gender discrimination.Instead, it was BetterWorks, a company in Palo Alto that has raised about $15.5m in venture capital from investors, including Doerr. It makes office software that blends aspects of social media, fitness tracking and video games into a system meant to keep employees more engaged.With the software, employees and their bosses set long-and short-term goals, and, over time, log their progress on a digital dashboard that everyone can see and comment on.A critic might describe it as a happy, white-collar spin on an old idea — workplace efficiency — that used to be performed by punch clocks and assembly ...

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