Mark Smyth visited Nampo to look at the latest innovation in the agricultural industry WHEN many people think of Nampo, they think of a bunch of farmers wandering around looking at the latest tractor or combine harvester or checking out the best pedigree of livestock. Frankly, there is a great deal of that, complete with khaki shorts and shirts and people queuing up to literally spend millions of rands on merchandise in the John Deere shop.But it is a fascinating place to visit, if only to watch in awe as planes and helicopters are squeezed into tight parking spaces in a field in the middle of nowhere. There is big money at Nampo. And big money is spent. Case II quad tractors cost about R4m, John Deere combine harvesters even more. There is probably livestock costing the same come to think of it.Wandering around the massive showground, it was possible to view everything from cars to bakkies to tractors and trucks, as well as all types of agricultural equipment. Yes, I did say cars. ...

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