Iveco has launched a new generation of the original Fiat 682 truck for southern Africa IVECO has launched its new 682 heavy duty truck range, featuring product improvements and developments that it says are specifically designed to suit tough southern African countries conditions and terrains.The vehicle was presented during Nampo, one of the largest shows of agricultural machinery and livestock in the southern hemisphere, which takes place annually near Bothaville in the Free State.The new range is a product inspired by European design with several common features of the Iveco European-produced ranges, and will be assembled at the company’s Rosslyn plant near Pretoria. It will be available for both the Southern African Customs Union market and most right-hand drive countries in sub-Saharan Africa."Engineered to the highest technical specifications entirely by Iveco, the 682 maintains the optimal balance between cost efficiency and strength," says Christophe Longuet, marketing manag...

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