Sam Motsuenyane, businessman, founder of the National African Federated Chamber of Commerce and a former SA ambassador to the Gulf states, talks to Lindo Xulu On Christmas Day my house becomes a Mecca, the meeting place for the family. It's become tradition every year for the grandchildren and some of their parents to spend the day with us. As a former preacher I'm a man of the church, so in the morning we all plan to attend Christmas service at the Calvary Methodist Church in Mabopane, Pretoria.Following the service we will head back home, where my wife, who's a great cook, together with the in-laws, prepares the Christmas lunch. I always say the best meal I've ever had is the one prepared at home. Every year they surprise me, so I'm unable to say in advance what we'll be having but whatever it is it will be great. My wife has a voluminous collection of recipe books and I'm sure our lunch will come from one of them.One of my granddaughters is studying to be a foo...

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