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A good week for Jacob Zuma 

He-he-he! It was hard to miss the smirk on Jacob Zuma’s face at the weekend after his new MK Party snatched third place nationally, ousting the EFF of his old bête noire, Julius Malema, in last week’s election. The former president, who at 82 is a year older than US President Joe Biden, was also true to form, rattling sabres as well as the markets. The placing of Zuma’s hastily assembled party was the second biggest surprise of the election (after the ANC’s fall from grace) with 14.6% of the national vote.

Picture: Mark Peterson/Reuters
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A bad week for Donald Trump

Much like another former president, Donald Trump did a Zuma on the US public this week, issuing veiled threats of violence if he were sent to jail. The 45th president of the US was convicted last week by a jury of his peers on 34 felony counts of hush-money payments to influence the 2016 election, which he won. Trump told a TV interviewer on Monday that the American public would not stand for his incarceration, even in the form of house arrest. He will be sentenced on July 11, four days before the Republican convention at which he will be selected as the presidential nominee.

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