The Topolino is designed in Italy and built in Morocco. Picture: SUPPLIED
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1. The wrong kind of beetle mania

It’s not only South African trees threatened by beetles with an insatiable appetite, the giant sequoias of California are as well. At risk is the world’s biggest tree, known as General Sherman, a popular tourist attraction in the Sequoia National Park, about 320km north of Los Angeles. At least 21 sequoias are infected by the bark beetle, the size of a match head and similar to South Africa’s shothole borer beetle.

2. Put the phone down

St Albans, about 30km northwest of London, is aiming to be the first British city to go smartphone-free for children under 14. A letter to parents has been signed by 20 of 24 primary schools in the city, with two more expected to join. The move is part of the Smartphone Free Childhood campaign.

3. Fake Italian Fiats

Italian authorities have seized more than 100 Fiat Topolino cars for illegally displaying “Made in Italy” flag stickers. Italy’s rules on fake Italian produce are normally applied to counterfeit Gucci gear or Tunisian olive oil masquerading as cold-pressed Tuscan oil. In the case of Fiat, one of the most recognisably Italian brands in the world, the Topolino is made in Morocco.


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