Picture: 123RF/ANDRANIK2018
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1. All lit up

From the Free State veld to the skies above the Western Cape and as far as Australia and New Zealand, it was a show like little else: aurora australis — bright, swirling curtains of light which appeared in the night sky over the weekend. The auroras were seen in a range of colours including blue, red, yellow, green and orange. In the northern hemisphere, the aurora borealis was seen from Asia across Europe to the Americas.

2. Shirley sheds jewels

Some of Shirley Bassey’s diamonds are not forever. The Welsh diva is selling some of her jewellery in an October sale said to be worth about £2m. Dame Shirley famously sang about diamonds in the title track of the 1971 James Bond film Diamonds Are Forever, starring Sean Connery.

3. About worms and sex

This year’s US presidential election has been like no other in history. The sexual peccadillos of one candidate were examined in detail during a New York criminal trial while another has admitted to having a worm growing in his ear, eating his brain. If they weren’t true, Donald Trump and Robert F Kennedy’s stories would be dismissed as too far-fetched.

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