A K9A2 Howitzer manufactured by Hanwha is displayed at the Eurosatory international land and air defence and security trade fair in Villepinte, France. The EU is seeking partnerships with Japan and South Korea to develop military equipment. File photo: BENOIT TESSIER/REUTERS
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Tokyo — The EU is seeking security and defence industry partnerships with Japan and South Korea aimed at joint development of military equipment, the Nikkei reported on Sunday, citing a senior EU commission official.

These would mark the EU’s first such security and defence-related collaboration with Asian nations, the Japanese business newspaper said in a report from Brussels that did not identify the official.

The bloc hopes to reach a ministerial-level agreement with Japan by year end, which could help the EU fund joint projects managed by Japanese and European companies, the Nikkei said.

Representatives of Japan’s foreign ministry and the South Korean and EU delegations in Tokyo were not immediately available for comment on the report on Sunday.

Japan, despite a constitution that renounces war, says it faces “the most severe and complex security environment since World War 2”. In recent years it has boosted its defence industry in its largest postwar military expansion, expressing concern about threats from Asia neighbours China and North Korea.

Tokyo signed a treaty in 2023 to establish a programme to develop an advanced fighter jet with Britain and Italy.

Japan started talks in June with the US on forging deeper defence industry collaboration under the US-Japan Forum on Defense Industrial Cooperation, Acquisition and Sustainment, established in April by Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and President Joe Biden.

Japan-US discussions have so far focused on naval repairs in Japan that could help free up US yards to build more warships, but co-operation could be extended to aircraft repairs, missile production and military supply-chain resilience.

Tokyo seeks to counter China’s increasing maritime assertiveness and has expressed concerns over any potential instability in the Taiwan strait.

It has sought deeper defence co-operation with the US and the Philippines, and last week conducted a maritime exercise with the US, Canada and the Philippines in the South China Sea, where China’s expansive claims conflict with those of several other Asian nations.


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