An undated picture shows Jack Douglas Teixeira, a 21-year-old member of the US Air National Guard, who was arrested by the FBI, over his alleged involvement in leaks online of classified documents, posing for a selfie at an unidentified location. Picture: SOCIAL MEDIA WEBSITE via REUTERS
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It was huge, expensive and top secret. In the early 1970s the CIA built a gigantic ship, the Hughes Glomar Explorer, to lift a sunken Soviet submarine from the floor of the Pacific Ocean, according to a declassified US intelligence agency history. 

But the elaborately woven CIA cover story — that the ship was built by Howard Hughes to mine manganese nodules from the ocean depths — began to unravel with a February 1975 Los Angeles Times story, eventually forcing the agency to abandon the project.

The court appearance on Wednesday by Jack Teixeira, a 21-year-old US Air National Guard member accused of posting top secret military intelligence records online, has revived questions about whether leaks damage US security in cases less clear-cut than the Hughes Glomar Explorer.

Proving that a leak, whether a single data point or a trove of documents,  harmed the US government is difficult, given that internal assessments are  kept secret, but analysts of government secrecy said the damage can be dramatic.

“There is a potential ... for great damage because many of the most valuable intelligence methods are quite fragile,” said Steven Aftergood of the Federation of American Scientists.

“Once their existence is known, they can be evaded or spoofed and so their intelligence value can evaporate,” he said, referring to a target taking steps to avoid espionage or exploiting a channel to provide false information.

“Individuals can be placed at significant risk of imprisonment or death.”

Mark Zaid, a Washington-based national security attorney, described sorts of possible harm:

  • Disclosure of the information itself, such as troop locations.
  • The source or method of collection, which can endanger the individual or the stream of information.
  • The mere fact of US interest, which may help adversaries identify and exploit US trigger points.
  • Public disclosure, which can embarrass or provoke other nations, including allies.

There is often diplomatic fallout. Mexico’s president on Tuesday accused the Pentagon of spying after the Washington Post reported on apparent tension between Mexico’s army and navy, and said he will begin classifying information from the armed forces to protect national security.

The release of US diplomatic and military documents on WikiLeaks starting in 2010 contributed to two US ambassadors losing their jobs.

In 2011, the US ambassador to Mexico resigned after his criticism of Mexican authorities for a lack of co-ordination against drug cartel leaders emerged and Ecuador expelled the US envoy for cables on suspected police corruption.

It is virtually impossible for outsiders to make a complete appraisal of the harm from leaks because internal assessments are classified to avoid further disclosure.

“The damage assessment itself is likely to reveal additional classified information,” such as how long a source was providing information and whether what was conveyed, say about military deployments, might have caused a battlefield defeat, said Zaid.

Another complicating factor is that officials can muddy the waters by minimising the significance of a leak or playing it up, perhaps seeking a public relations benefit by pretending that no harm was done or to make a stronger case for punishing leakers.

In the case of the Hughes Glomar Explorer, which was built at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars and recovered only part of the Soviet submarine, once its cover was blown it was of no use to the CIA.

The ship was eventually put into private use for deepwater oil drilling and, in 2015, slated to be scrapped.


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