President Cyril Ramaphosa will announce his new cabinet in the coming days after negotiations over positions with other political parties who that have joined the government of national unity. Picture: JEFFREY ABRAHAMS
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The ANC says President Cyril Ramaphosa will announce his new cabinet in the coming days after negotiations over positions with other political parties that have joined the government of national unity (GNU). 

The Al Jama-ah party is the latest to have joined the GNU, bringing the total number of signatories to 10, including the DA and the IFP. These 10 parties have a combined 70% of the seats in the 400-seat National Assembly.

The ANC said any further parties that wish to join the GNU would be subject to clause 24 of the statement of intent, which reads: “In keeping with the spirit of an inclusive GNU, it is agreed that the composition shall be discussed and agreed among the existing parties, whenever new parties desire to be part of the GNU.” 

The addition of other political parties probably means that individuals in those parties will be accommodated in Ramaphosa’s new reconfigured cabinet or in high-level positions in the National Assembly. 

Business Day understands that the president was initially scheduled to announce the the 30 cabinet members on Sunday but discussions among parties were ongoing.

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The new members of the Gauteng cabinet are also expected to be announced in the coming days after the scheduled public announcement was postponed on Sunday. 

The 58 members of the MK party, who boycotted the initial swearing-in ceremony last week, are due to take their oath of office on Tuesday. The party has made changes to its initial list of public representatives and the list now includes impeached high court judge president John Hlophe, who will be the party leader in parliament.

“This swearing-in of original nominees from the MK party list will be presided over by the chief justice or a judge designated by him, as this is the inaugural swearing-in of these members after the national and provincial elections,” parliamentary spokesperson Moloto Mothapo said. “The speaker will administer the oath to members who were nominated after the first sitting.” 

Also in parliament, on Thursday the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) will elect office bearers for the seventh parliament, including the permanent deputy chair of the NCOP, the rotating deputy chair, the programming whip, the house chair for committees and oversight, the house chair for parliamentary diplomacy, the house chair for internal arrangements and members support, and several other critical positions.

On Tuesday, the eThekwini council will hold an ordinary meeting in which a new mayor is expected to be elected. The former ANC mayor, Mxolisi Kaunda, was removed from the position by his party and redeployed to the NCOP. 

“As we usher in a new era after the national and provincial elections, we are identifying key areas that require urgent focus,” said ANC provincial secretary Bheki Mtolo.

The National Treasury will this week host a two-day Operation Vulindlela conference starting on Monday. Operation Vulindlela is a joint initiative between the presidency and the Treasury that aims to fast track network industries, including energy, communications and logistics. 

“The conference will bring together leading academics, industry experts and policymakers to reflect on the impact of economic reforms in Operation Vulindlela’s first phase and identify priorities and opportunities for the next phase. Discussions at the conference will focus on SA’s most urgent economic challenges and explore ways to deepen and broaden the economic reform agenda,” said the Treasury.

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