Luthuli House, the ANC's headquarters in Johannesburg. Picture: SOWETAN
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It appears that there will be no limits and thresholds for donations to political parties as the ANC has withdrawn a proposed resolution that would have averted this. But My Vote Counts, a nongovernmental organisation, has launched an urgent application in the Western Cape High Court to ensure that limits and thresholds for political party funding are adhered to. To unpack this in more detail, Business Day TV spoke to Joel Bergman, senior researcher at My Vote Counts.

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It appears that there will be no limits and thresholds for donations to political parties moving forward as the ANC has withdrawn a proposed resolution that would have averted this but NGO, My Vote Counts, has launched an urgent application in the Western Cape High Court to ensure that limits and thresholds for political party funding are adhered to. To unpack this in more detail, Business Day TV spoke to Joel Bergman, Senior Researcher at My Vote Counts.
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