Renaldo Gouws. Picture: SUPPLIED
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It was astounding how little reflection there was in your editorial opinion on the facts of the Renaldo Gouws matter (“Renaldo Gouws saga is the DA’s antiracism test”, June 280.

The most obvious first question is what Gouws actually said, and this can only be deduced by listening to the full clip, not the edited version. He was literally saying the opposite of killing anyone, but rather drawing a (crude) analogy between the singing of “Kill the Boer” and uttering the “K” and “N” words, and how this would make one feel. There is much to comment on in this regard, but an “antiracism test” it is not.

The second question is why now, given that the DA is in the “midst of its toughest negotiations”, and this clip (and subsequent apologies) have been out in public for the longest time. The answer, of course, is that it didn’t suddenly “surface on social media” but was broadcast by IOL, with Iqbal Surve cheering from the sidelines.

Obviously, this was a manufactured event. Business Day may also want to comment on that.

Martin Neethling
Via BusinessLIVE

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