DA MP Renaldo Gouws. Picture: X/@RENALDOGOUWS.
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In the middle of its toughest negotiations with the ANC over the formation of the government of national unity (GNU), the DA is having to deal with a racist in its ranks.

A video recorded 16 years ago has surfaced on social media, showing Renaldo Gouws, a DA MP, chanting death to black people.

Unwisely, the DA initially defended Gouws and dismissed the video as fake news. When evidence emerged that the video was not fake, he was suspended from party and MP duties pending a disciplinary hearing. Though late, this first step is welcome.

But the DA has a lot of introspection to do. The party has prided itself on having rigorous selection criteria for its public representatives. However, in the case of Gouws, the system failed to pick up his hatred of black people. In videos circulating on social media, he uses the K-word to call for their killing.

The DA is right to have suspended Gouws. He deserves due process. But part of due process includes a speedy but fair hearing and appropriate sanction.

His apology to the DA is a start. He has embarrassed his party and offended black South Africans inside and outside the DA. Black South Africans deserve his unqualified apology. This apology does not have to wait for the disciplinary hearing.

In Gouws, the DA has an opportunity to send a clear message that it will not tolerate racism in its ranks. 

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