The reduction of emissions must not take a back seat to industrial expansion in Brics countries, the writer says. Picture: BLOOMBERG/WALDO SWIEGERS.
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Littleton, Colorado — The Brics group of major emerging economies — Brazil, Russia, India, China and SA — emitted a record 1.98-billion tonnes of carbon dioxide from power generation during the first quarter of 2024, data from energy think-tank Ember shows.

That emissions toll was about 500-million tonnes greater than the entire emissions load generated by the rest of the world combined and highlights the diverging pollution trends between fast-growing economies and most developed countries.

A compounding concern for emissions trackers is a potential deterioration in trade relations between Brics members and the US and its allies, and the possibility that Brics members prioritise economic growth over decarbonisation efforts.

Together, Brics countries account for more than 40% of the world’s population and about a quarter of the global economy, and so hold significant clout when banded together.

The bloc was founded as an informal club in 2009 to challenge a world order dominated by Western economies and has expanded by several more members after Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Iran and Ethiopia joined at the start of this year. Dozens of other countries have expressed interest in joining.

If more of the aspiring members join, the club could have the means to largely ignore Western economic pressure to reduce pollution, as growing trade and investment within the bloc could provide a shield against blowback by Western-affiliated trade partners.

China and India alone accounted for over 90% of the Brics emissions total during the first quarter, highlighting how concentrated power pollution is within the Brics bloc due to high coal use by Asian nations.

China and India are also arguably the most influential members of Brics, with the power to deliver on trade pacts and to undertake foreign investment campaigns that could lure new members.

As the world’s largest power producer and renewable energy developer, China is also a key player on the global stage in terms of fossil fuel emissions as well as renewable energy generation potential. The country discharged 5.4-billion tonnes of carbon dioxide from fossil fuel power generation in 2023, or 40% of the global total, which has made China a key target for international pressure to reduce global pollution.

China is also by far the world’s top clean energy developer and exporter, and aims to dominate the production and export of clean energy products over the coming decades.

However, Beijing has faced accusations of unfair trade practices involving the dumping solar panels, electric vehicles and other products onto world markets at prices that undercut rival producers. This has led to trade spats with the US and Europe in recent years and protracted disputes at the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

Over the same period, China has emerged as the top destination for exports from nations that face Western sanctions, including Russia and Iran, providing those countries with critical earnings that further strain China’s relations with Western powers.

India, the world’s second-largest coal user behind China, has also frustrated Western sanctions efforts by emerging as a key buyer of Russian commodity exports, including crude oil, coal and natural gas.

India is under growing international pressure to cut power emissions, but like China is struggling to balance the energy needs of its fast-growing economy with pledges to rein in pollution. India also faces the challenge of generating sufficient jobs for its 1.4-billion population — the world’s largest — which entails a rapid and sustained expansion to its cost-sensitive manufacturing sector.

Power firms have committed to sharply increasing energy supplies from clean sources but still rely on low-cost coal to produce over 75% of the country’s electricity.

India has pledged to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2070 but is deemed unlikely to reach that target, given the enduring reliance on coal and planned further expansions in use of the fuel, according to Climate Action Tracker.

In addition to China and India, Russia also recorded sharp growth in power emissions during the first quarter, while Brazil and SA kept emissions largely flat.

These emission trends put Brics members at odds with many Western nations. But the fact that each Brics nation is a key producer of several critical items that aid economic growth makes Brics membership attractive to other emerging economies.

In addition to surging volumes of low-cost manufactured and semi-finished goods, Brics nations produce and export coal, gas, crude oil, soya beans, maize, rice, metals and rare-earth minerals.

Many Brics nations are also committed to consuming growing volumes of most fossil fuels for the coming decades, which makes the bloc an attractive trade partner for a country such as Indonesia, which has abundant fuel supplies but faces diminishing demand for them in Western markets.

At present, Western policymakers still play a key role in major decisions by most emerging-market governments. And that means Western values about the environment may still prevail and spark a power sector cleanup in some countries.

But if Brics nations seek economic growth above all else, the reduction of emissions may take a back seat to further emissions-laden industrial expansion.



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