An earth tremor was felt in parts of Johannesburg early on July 1. Picture: 123RF
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An earth tremor was felt in Johannesburg south early on Monday. Gauteng Weather recorded the tremor at 2.27am.

While its extent is yet to be confirmed by geologists, Gauteng Weather said it had a 2.6 magnitude.

Tremors are common in the city and are generally minor. A tremor was also felt on Saturday night, affecting areas including Roodepoort and Soweto.

Spokesperson for the Council for Geoscience (CGS) Mahlatse Mononela said: “The CGS can confirm an earthquake occurred on Monday at around 2.27am. The preliminary results show the earthquake registered a local magnitude of approximately 2.6, as recorded by the SA Seismograph Network.”

The epicentre was located close to Nasrec, south of Johannesburg.

The council also confirmed an earth tremor that occurred in the same region on Saturday evening. The 2.3 magnitude tremor occurred at about 6.26pm, Mononela said, adding it was followed by an aftershock that was felt at least 3.9km from the epicentre, measuring 1.6 magnitude.

No injuries have been reported.


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