Picture: 123RF/LUKAS GOJDA
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A National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) prosecutor accused of corruption has been granted R5,000 bail by the same Pretoria court in which she is based.

Ignacia Koketso Mahlakwane appeared in the Pretoria magistrate's court on Thursday on charges of corruption, extortion and obstructing the administration of justice.

She was arrested on Wednesday regarding a July 2023 matter.

The NPA’s Lumka Mahanjana said: “It is alleged on July 6 2023 Mahlakwane [a district prosecutor based at the Pretoria magistrate's court] accepted gratification of between R70,000 and R80,000 with her accomplice to decline to prosecute the case of a man who was appearing before the [same] court on a charge of assault with the intent to commit grievous bodily harm.

“After the man, who is the complainant in the matter, refused to pay the requested amount, on October 24 2023 Mahlakwane, acting in common purpose with her accomplice, issued a summons for the man to appear at court C. The complainant reported the matter to the police.”

Mahlakwane was arrested after an investigation.

After an unopposed bail application, the matter was postponed to August 28 2024 for further investigation.


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