Three people have appeared in court for alleged defrauding of the Covid-19 relief scheme for employees. Picture: 123RF/OLIVIER LE MOAL
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The Hawks in the Free State on Monday announced that the owners of two companies alleged to have scammed the Covid-19 Temporary Employer/Employee Relief Scheme (Ters) were arrested last week.

Capt Christopher Singo said Tlotliso Molaba and Lehlohonolo Class Motaung, both 38, were arrested with Lelokonyana Isak Letseng, 44. The trio appeared in the Phuthaditjhaba magistrate’s court on Friday on a charge of fraud.

“A preliminary investigation conducted by the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) at the department of employment & labour discovered alleged fraudulent activities. It is alleged that two companies — Afrikhan Source owned by Molaba and Motaung, and Izuz Gibbor owned by Letseng — applied for Ters,” said Singo.

“During March 2020 and October 2020, Afrikhan Source applied for Covid-19 Ters on behalf of individuals who are alleged to have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) made nine payments to the estimated amount of R1,396,053 to the company’s account between September 2020 and December 2020.” 

Letseng was alleged to have done a similar thing for his company, claiming Ters funds between July 2020 and October 2021. His company, Izuz Gibbor, allegedly received nine payments from the UIF amounting to R101,555.

The SIU alleges the applicants for whom the companies were allegedly applying had never worked for them.

“A case docket was registered and handed over to the Hawks’ serious commercial crime investigation team based in Bloemfontein for further exploration. The suspects were arrested in Bloemfontein and Phuthaditjhaba on April 25,” said Singo.

The accused were granted R10,000 bail and the case was postponed to June 11. 


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