A screenshot of the video of members of the VIP protection unit assaulting a motorist and passenger, which is thought to have occurred on the N1 highway. Picture: Twitter
Image: Twitter Screenshot
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Deputy President Paul Mashatile has confirmed that members of his security team were involved in the assault of two people on the side of a highway and has called for a full investigation of the matter.

On Monday afternoon a video clip showing more than six members of the VIP protection unit allegedly assaulting two men who had been travelling in their vehicle. One of victims was left lying on the side of the freeway as the perpetrators returned to their vehicle and drove off.

The reasons for the attack are unknown, though the police have identified the officers and traced the victims featured in the clip.

On Tuesday Mashatile’s spokesperson Vukani Mde confirmed the deputy president was aware of the “unfortunate incident”.

“The deputy president has become aware of an unfortunate incident involving members of the SA Police Service who are attached to his protection detail and civilians which occurred in Johannesburg over the weekend.

“The deputy president abhors any unnecessary use of force, particularly against unarmed civilians. The national [police] commissioner Gen Fannie Masemola has promised a thorough investigation and articulated the conduct expected of police officers very well.”

Mashatile appealed to the public to give police “the necessary space” to do their investigation. 

“The deputy president has full confidence in the police under the leadership of [police minister] Bheki Cele and the command of Masemola to do the right thing in this regard.”

Mde said Mashatile was not on the scene when the incident occurred.


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