London — The last time South African Player of the Year Pieter-Steph du Toit started at flank, the Boks slumped to a dramatic World Cup loss against Japan. While that defeat cannot be pinned on Du Toit alone, it is not a good omen as he gets set to reprise the back-row role against England at Twickenham on Saturday. Du Toit, 24, is set to start with the No6 on his back and Willem Alberts is expected to start at blindside, with Oupa Mohoje dropping to the bench in a bid to add power to the Bok pack. Coach Allister Coetzee has been coy about his back-row selections when Roelof Smit was ruled out of the tour on Monday after tearing a pectoral muscle at training. Smit was the only recognised openside on tour, but was as green as a manicured lawn and his selection would have come with risk. Coetzee was considering playing Smit but circumstances conspired against him and so Du Toit comes into the frame. The situation could play into Coetzee’s hands because Du Toit will immediately boost t...

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