Lady Luck at last smiled on trainer Candice Bass-Robinson when her star performer, Marinaresco, drew well for the country’s richest race — the R5m Sun Met to be run at Kenilworth on January 28. With stablemates Silver Mountain and Nightingale both drawing badly for the Klawervlei Majorca Stakes, Bass-Robinson must have been nervous ahead of the barrier draw but the four-year-old’s jockey, Grant van Niekerk, drew a good position. Runner-up in the Vodacom Durban July, Marinaresco disappointed his fans when failing to get a blow in behind Legal Eagle in the L’Ormarins Queen’s Plate. However, bookmakers report steady support in the ante-post market for the Bass-Robinson inmate although Legal Eagle remains the favourite. Legal Eagle drew stall nine, which Derek Brugman, racing manager for owner Markus Jooste, said "could have been better, could have been worse". Although final gallops only reveal that one’s big-race fancy has not passed away overnight, pundits at Kenilworth considered Be...

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