THE Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) has hit out at the Department of Basic Education following the leaking of its final "jobs for cash" report on the alleged selling of teaching jobs.When the scandal broke last year, Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga set up a ministerial task team, led by Umalusi head John Volmink, to probe allegations that members of the South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (Sadtu) were selling principal and deputy principal posts for R30,000 or more at schools in the Eastern Cape‚ KwaZulu-Natal‚ Limpopo‚ Gauteng‚ Mpumalanga and North West.Sadtu, which is among Cosatu’s larger affiliates, denied the allegations and undertook to co-operate with the probe.Earlier this month, Motshekga decided to delay the release of the report to allow teacher unions and other stakeholders implicated more time to respond. This was the second postponement in as many months.However, the final report, due to be released officially on Friday, was leaked to City...

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