Tokyo — Asian shares slipped on Tuesday as stringent curbs on travel to the US ordered by President Donald Trump brought home to investors that he is serious about putting his controversial campaign pledges into action. Global stocks posted their biggest loss in six weeks after Trump signed an executive order on Friday to bar Syrian refugees indefinitely and suspend travel to the US from seven Muslim-majority countries, sparking widespread protests. "Investors are becoming worried as it appears as if he was setting fire to geopolitical risks that already exist," said Yoshinori Shigemi, global market strategist at JPMorgan Asset Management. Trump’s move drew criticism from some US policy makers and business leaders, including leading hi-tech companies and the CEs of Goldman Sachs Group and Ford, and irked many foreign leaders. "His stance is really inward-looking, making investors nervous about his ‘moderateness’," said Masahiro Ichikawa, senior strategist at Sumitomo Mitsui Asset Ma...

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